Sunday, September 6, 2015

Sta. Elena Fun Farm: Getting Started with Venue-Hunting

This is a super, super late post but one that is still relevant since it is still appropriate for our target theme.

Sta. Elena Fun Farms, also known as Holy Carabao Farms, was actually the first picnic or farm-style venue that we went to. This was around the second half of 2014.

I read about it in Rebellious Bride, where the bride really wanted a farm wedding and it was non-negotiable. Good for her that she chanced upon this place in Laguna.


I loved their wedding and all the details that they injected into it. If you want to read more about it, the bride's own recount of the event is here:

My favorite part was probably when the  bride rode a carabao cart to the ceremony venue! Sooo cute!

So, I immediately told Rye about it and off we went to Laguna to see the place for ourselves.

This greets guests as they enter the farm premises. Upon seeing it, I grew more excited!

There was also this area where guests can boat and fish. I didn't feel like paddling so I opted to just try fishing.

That's the Kuripot Bride with the future mom-in-law

No fish favored our bait though so we gave up and just checked other parts of the farm.

Indeed, Sta. Elena Fun Farm was first: definitely a farm and second, it was fun! Wide grounds, horses, carabaos, ducks, cows, and even rabbits! Feeding of animals was allowed and there were lots of areas where kids can freely run around and play. Horseback riding and carabao-cart riding were also allowed. There was even a zipline!

There was a pavilion where guests can opt to take their meals. The farm had no restaurant or cafe yet so bringing in of food was encouraged.

Tables and chairs inside were a combination of wooden benches and these:

I liked that they had the type of tables and benches that we wanted. Only minor cleaning and retouching of varnish or paint were needed and they would be perfect for the wedding.

We also toyed with the idea of holding the ceremony in the Amphitheater. Pardon the photo, but at least you get the idea.

See the bridge? That's where I planned to walk to the tune of Pachelbel's Canon. Oh well, a lot of brides have walked the aisle along this tune so we might change it.

Since this was the first major venue we visited, we had no idea as to how much rates go. Upon inquiring, I was informed the whole place can be rented for P30,000++ for a maximum of 6 hours, inclusive of ingres and egress.

Said rate includes the use of pavilion, restrooms, electricity, and grounds for the ceremony or even reception. Guests may also try fishing, boating, animal-feeding, and horseback riding for free, at least before the ceremony starts.

Use of tables and benches is already included in the package. However, they charge P5,000 corkage fee for the caterer, which I think is unfair since they do not have any resto or cafe within the farm.

Rye's Thoughts:
He liked the place so much he wanted us to book or at least pay the downpayment. His family resides in Binan Laguna so he didn't really find the place far.

My Thoughts:
What I really liked about the place was the vast grounds. We can push through with the picnic affair that we wanted without much constraint as to space. We can get very creative without spending too much on decor. The caretaker even told us we can do barbecue! Sounds fun!

However, as with other outdoor venues, contingency plans for rain should be in place. I also liked the amphitheater but we will have to consider the number of guests that it can accommodate.

As to the rates, P30K was pricey for me. Since it is an out-of-town venue, we will have to shell out funds for transportation, preps, and even accommodation which will further increase the overall cost. Some guests may also find it inconvenient, especially those who will only be commuting.

Also, the place had no holding room or any area where we can prepare. While the restrooms were clean, this would not be sufficient to get everyone groomed and made-up. So, hotel preps will definitely eat up on our budget if we will push through with Sta. Elena Fun Farm.

Hard to make one yet as it is the first venue we checked. If budget were not an issue though, this would definitely make it to our Top 5!