Welcome fellow brides!

Hi! My name is Joch. Chances are, you're also a bride-to-be who's working on making her dream wedding come true. So, cheers and welcome to my blog! :) I'm not an expert at weddings but I do hope you enjoy my posts and pick up a tip or two. 

FACT: I am one kuripot bride. And this bride has some serious mission to accomplish: craft a beautiful wedding without breaking the bank! Rye (my husband-to-be) is willing to spend for our dream wedding but I just don’t have the heart to shell out lots of money. When I told him about this, he honestly thought I’ll be in for a rough ride. Overall though, he’s very supportive. After all, any savings we can get from this project will be funds we can use for our life together.

Now, before I get lost in all the details of the wedding preps, let me get a few things straight:
1.       I am a self-proclaimed KURIPOT.
KURIPOT is often translated as being a cheapskate, stingy, a miser, or a penny-pincher. All sounding too negative. And I disagree. Totally. For me, being kuripot is simply being responsible with your finances. While you may have the money to splurge, it doesn’t necessarily mean you should. After all, there are other stuff—often more important—that one needs to spend on. And in my book, being kuripot is far better than being broke or buried in debt.

2.       Weddings are not cheap.
I love weddings! I love the thought of two people exchanging I do’s in front of their loved ones. I love the food, the tears, the merry-making, the details, the fun! I love the emotions that run through me whenever I attend one. What I don’t love is the GASTOS. Because, admit it or not, weddings come with a hefty price tag. And no matter how you try to keep things simple, there always seem to be some costs attached to the celebration.

3.       We are paying for our wedding expenses.
Gifts and financial assistance will be most welcome but we do not want to rely on others to pay for our wedding.

4.       We are expecting a baby.
I am on my 23rd week now and the baby is a major consideration. All funds that Rye and I will pour onto the wedding are funds that we could otherwise spend for our baby’s needs. So, we want to be really mindful of our budget. If we go overboard, I’d definitely feel guilty afterwards.

5.      We have time on our side.
This is the good part. Hopefully, more time = less stress. We are looking at having the wedding on November 14, 2015, a Saturday. That gives me 12 months and 2 weeks to accomplish my mission. And within this time, I am looking forward to enjoying the wedding preparations, especially the food tasting events Rye and I will be attending. 

The big question now becomes: will I make it? With determination, creativity, plus lots of help and support from Rye, our families and friends, and hopefully great suppliers, this project should be a success. We have a whole year to find out! 

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