Sunday, January 3, 2016

Reviewing our Wedding Budget

I was backreading some of my posts and realized that our original budget of P250,000 is really challenging. It gets more so as the days go by. Having just crossed 2016, rates of all suppliers can be expected to have gone up, with them shooting even further by the last quarter of the year. If I don't get my act together, I can definitely look forward to a more expensive wedding.

It is important that we get a venue that can be used for the ceremony and reception soon. We also need to find our caterer so we can lock in rates. And most important of all, we need to decide on the date. I know, my fault. I've been very occupied lately.

Honestly, at this point, I am no longer certain  if the P250K budget we are aiming for can be achieved. Still, I am not bent on giving in. Have to work double time though if I want this wedding to materialize.

Good thing I was inspired by two posts on Rebellious Bride: Planning a wedding under a budget of P150K (click here) and under P300K (click here)! They even had a tie-up with Q Provisions, a caterer I've been meaning to blog about but haven't found the time to do so. Hopefully, the 20% discount for Rebel Brides is still ongoing.

So, the search is still on. And the challenge is still up. A P250K wedding it is. Fingers crossed.

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