Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The mission begins...

Let me begin with a confession: I’ve lost track of the number of times I attempted to blog. Maybe it was because of the lack of time to write, or the lack of interesting things to share, or we could just say I am a strong starter but a lousy finisher.

What is my excuse, then, for attempting to launch yet another blog? Well, this time, I found something worth writing about as this blog will be about my very own wedding! Yey!

Wait! Another wedding blog?! Yep, you read it right. This will be just another wedding blog, with a list of suppliers, venues, motifs, themes, gowns, tips and trends, and every minute detail that often awakens the bridezilla within every bride-to-be. And this blog does not aim to be any different from all the other blogs already out there. I am no wedding expert, nor am I a wedding coordinator so I couldn’t be really of much help to those who will chance upon this blog. But, who knows, some posts here may somehow prove useful to a bride or two.

So, what is this blog for? Posting here will be more for my benefit, particularly for my peace of mind. I am challenging myself to not become a bridezilla amidst all the frenzied preparations and looming bills (sigh). Things will soon get crazy and this online diary may just help me put things into perspective.

P.S. This time, I hope intend to finish this blog! (Fingers crossed.)

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