Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wedding Price Tags

Weddings have now become highly commercialized. The industry is booming and we can just expect prices to keep going up as well.

Last Sunday, Jessica Soho ran a short feature on Philippine weddings. Depending on the type of wedding you want and the suppliers you get, this one-day affair could set you back around P200,000 to P1M, or even more!

Honestly, my kuripot mind kept shouting P200,000 is not cheap! It’s a 6-figure amount that a couple will spend for a single day of merriment. True, it symbolizes the start of your new life together. It should be memorable, touching, inspiring, beautiful. Agree. But surely, there is a more affordable way to do things, right? After all, we are talking of the “start” of a life together, meaning there will be days after the wedding. And these days called “married life” will definitely need funding.

Nothing seems wrong about having one’s dream wedding but the bills that come posthaste should not turn that dream into a nightmare. A wedding is a day, marriage is a lifetime. And the bills? Well, who knows until when they’ll stay.

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