Sunday, October 12, 2014

Food Taste Date # 2: Tasteful Tastings Year 2 (Part 2)

As promised, here's the continuation of our FTD2, this time covering Ibarra's, Richgold, Queensland, and Ilustrado.

4th Stop: Ibarra's 
Let me begin by saying that this was a total letdown. While the table setting and the buffet spread were presentable enough, I couldn't say the same for the food.

Clockwise from top left: Lasagna, Bars, Honey-glazed Pork, Baked Chicken
Yes, that's paper plate and a plastic fork in the photo. In my opinion, events like this reflect the kind of service you extend to your clients. I didn't think it was wise to use disposables. But anyway, it was their call. Besides, we were there for the food, so I really wouldn't have minded had the food tasted great.

We barely touched what's on our plate. Aside from the fact that we were running really low on tummy space, the dishes were simply not appetizing. The pork was tough, as though it had been cooked and recooked a number of times already. Pasta was a bit soggy and tasted like store-bought lasagna. Baked chicken was just okay, I have tasted better versions from lesser known caterers. In short, dishes served were not what we would expect from a major player in the field. Especially considering that it was a marketing event, they could have prepared a more palatable, if not impressive, menu set.

What disappointed us most were their desserts--a variety of bars which had the same taste and same dry and coarse texture. I am not a professional baker but I can honestly claim I can do better desserts than what they brought. And in my book, a mediocre dessert spread is a major fail.

If you are still curious about their packages, here goes:
Standard Wedding Package for 150 pax - P104,250.00
Deluxe Wedding Package for 150 pax - P130,500.00
Plus 12% VAT

Aside from the usual buffet set-up and basic styling, the rates already include the use of a fully air-conditioned function room, a courtesy room, 3-hour use of bridal car, 3-layered fondant cake, bottle of wine, doves, guest book, basic sound system, and your choice of a 2-hour photobooth or 75 pieces of souvenir. Their quotation indicates that they do not require service charge and security deposit.

Based on this, estimated cost per head amounts to a little less than P800, with a function room and bridal car already provided.

Rye's Thoughts
Was Ibarra's really a big name in the events and catering business?

My Thoughts
If they cannot handle a food tasting event, how can they be expected to handle wedding feasts? The sample menu they provided us had a more interesting variety of dishes for couples to choose from. They even offer on-the-spot cooking of pasta, grill station, and carvery. Still, it's a bit frightening to get their services based on what we experienced. I was not satisfied with the food and for P800 per head, I expected a bit more. The free use of a function room and bridal car is a good come-on but the food was a deal-breaker.

Not for us.

5th Stop: Richgold Catering
First, Jed, the AE, was very accommodating and very insightful. It was as if he really wanted to help us prepare the most appropriate feast for our wedding day. At least, that's how I felt. But while we appreciate Jed's professionalism and enthusiasm, it's the quality of food and the value for money that matter.

We were immediately given seats and advised that food will be served shortly. I just requested them for a plate to share. Still, they gave us generous servings of their menu for that day.

Vegetable Lumpia, Mango Cheesecake, Oreo Cheesecake

Clockwise from top: Korean Beef Stew, Breaded Pork Chop, Baked Fish with salsa,
Lemon Chicken, Pasta in Cream Sauce

My review of the food may not be reliable since I was too full by this time. Rye said the chicken had no flavor. You wouldn't be able to say it was Lemon Chicken if it weren't for that small slice of lemon you can see on the photo. Pasta was soggy. Pork was lying on a bed of mayo. Breading was thick, and the meat in between was really thin. The fish didn't look inviting as well. We didn't touch it. If I paid for this plate, I will definitely be complaining.

Served on a separate plate was the lumpia. Since I like lumpia, I tried it and found the taste to my liking. At least, there was something I enjoyed from their dishes. The cheesecakes were those kinds made with gelatin. They reminded me of the desserts sold at our office canteen. Minus points for that alone.

Rye and I both agreed that the lemonade, with its interesting blue hue, was a refreshing break from all the sweet drinks served by the other caterers.

The material they gave us during the event was actually a promotional offer, which I would be writing on a separate post. It's tie-up with Elements at Centris. However, for their usual rates, their website indicates that their lowest package is at P777 per pax, plus 10% government tax, bringing the cost to a little over P800 per head. For more details, you may want to visit Richgold's site.

Rye's Thoughts
This one was better than Ibarra's, but still the food was barely passable for him. The promo was a bit tempting. If we move our wedding date to a month earlier, we could avail of another P25,000 discount. But then, his heart was still set on an outdoor venue. Oh, okay, my heart is too. I just feel like a function hall is not for me.

My Thoughts:
Not really interested in the food. I thought the dishes looked lifeless and uninviting. They could have presented a more balanced menu for the event, in terms of taste and color.

We were offered a free food tasting for two. We are still unsure if that interests us or not. Pricewise though, Richgold is still beyond our budget, even with their promo.

6th Stop: Ilustrado
If there was one thing I remembered about Ilustrado was that the waiters didn't seem friendly at all. I was almost done getting food from the buffet spread when a waiter approached me and told me to just wait to be served at our table. I felt a bit embarrassed with the way he informed me. Anyway, off I went to our table with my plate of dishes I wanted to sample.

Penne in Red Sauce, Roast Beef, Seafood Paella
There were a few more dishes in the spread but I only wanted to try these. When Rye saw the paella, he felt a bit regretful for not trying Ilustrado earlier on. We both like paella and were sure we wouldn't get to eat much due to our already very limited tummy space. So to the our mouths the paella went. To be honest though, it was nothing really special. It didn't have that aroma and flavor distinct to paella. The shrimp was overcooked it was difficult to remove its shell. If I were to eat this with my eyes closed, I wouldn't be able to guess it's paella. Pasta was al dente, the sauce tasted like your usual red sauce. Sorry I forgot to check what type of sauce it was. I only managed to eat three or four pieces of penne. If there were any redeeming factor to this plate, that would be the roast beef. It was tender and was flavored well. Even without sauce or gravy, it was good.

The food the waiter promised me came a few minutes after Rye and I were done with our plate. I just politely told the server we have eaten our share already and just requested a couple a drinks for us since no water was served at the tables.

The packages offered by Ilustrado are already inclusive of venue use, which translates to major savings. You can choose from their main dining room, a number of halls or function rooms, and their courtyard or garden. They also do off-site catering. I just do not know if they charge extra for that.

The following are inclusive of government taxes and services charges and apply to a minimum of 150 persons.
Champagne - P1,180.00 per pax
Silver - P1,580.00 per pax
Gold - P1,780.00 pax

With higher packages, you get to choose more appetizers, soup, salads, and desserts for your buffet spread. Rates already include usual buffet set-up, basic styling, 3-hour use of bridal car, 3-layered fondant cake, basic sound system, wine for toasting,  For VIPs, they use tiffany chairs. For guests, they use covered chairs with ribbon garb of your motif

Other interesting freebies in their packages are an overnight stay at their partner hotels, a torch parade during cake-cutting for outdoor or garden venues, location map for your guests, and a gift certificate at their restaurant should you opt to forego their free food tasting.

Rye's Thoughts:
He was not keen on serving Filipino or Spanish fare to our guests and the paella didn't help a bit. Rates are steep even with the venue already factored in.

My Thoughts:
I have been to Intramuros a number of times but have never thought of trying out Ilustrado. Now, I am a bit intrigued as to how their courtyard looks like. The pictures on their website are limited so I might need to drop by one of these days just to see for myself if the garden would suit our theme.

Then there's the food to consider. I loooove paella but I didn't like their version at the event. And of course, the price... Will the free venue and overnight hotel stay dangled infront of us be worth spending at least P1,180 per head? Maybe not.

Not for us.

7th Stop: Queensland Catering
One of our couple friends got Queensland's services for their wedding so we had an idea of how much they were charging. I didn't get to attend their wedding so I was still curious as to how they fared in the taste department.

I thought they had an interesting set of menu compared to the others. Salad was an interesting mix of watermelon, cucumber, and some greens tossed in. There was also roast beef which my tastebuds were growing tired of already, and rice. I should have stopped by their booth earlier. Since I was already feeling bloated, I only chose these:

Pita bread with Spinach and Artichoke Dip, Chicken Flambe, Fettuccine
Sorry for the messy plating. Promise, this tasted more appetizing than how it looks. The spinach and artichoke dip was really good. I loved it. Or maybe it's just because I love dips. My tastebuds welcomed the changed in texture and flavor. You could actually taste the spinach and bits of artichoke mixed in with the cream cheese. If I weren't too full, I would have gotten another serving of this. Chicken flambe tasted fine. It was my first time to try it. I didn't even know what flambe was so I can't tell if tasted right or otherwise. Pasta was al dente and was tossed in what I can only guess as olive oil. I forgot to get the full name of this dish. It was also another break from the tomato-based and cream-based pasta served by the others.

I forgot to get materials from them during the event. My bad! I remember they have packages below P400 per head in their old website. They have a new website that I find a bit confusing to navigate. I still haven't seen where the rates are indicate. Good thing our friend shared with us how much they were charged for their wedding early this year. Without all the add-ons they availed of, food per head was priced at P335.00 only. Menu consisted of rice, soup, salad, pasta, 4 main dishes, 2 kinds of dessert, and drinks. However, they charged equipment fee, delivery fee and hauling fees which brought the cost to about P385 per head. Still affordable, right?

Rye's Thoughts
No comment on the food. He didn't eat a bite from my plate. As to price, he couldn't complain. This is the only caterer in the event below P500 per head.

My Thoughts
Next food tasting event, if Queensland is participating, I will make sure to drop by them first. I didn't expect much from them since their old website is not really informative and they have mixed reviews from various clients. However, I actually enjoyed their food. Or at least, these three that I got to taste. Plus, we found the rates they quoted our friends appropriate for our budget. Swak! Pasok sa banga! But I didn't have that "meant for each other" feel just yet... I am still awaiting their reply to my quotation request.

At last, a potential caterer. For another round of food tasting.

Last Stop: Purpledish Catering
For our last stop, we decided not to eat anymore since we have already sampled Purpledish the day before. We didn't even check what's on their menu for the event since we were already too full. We just dropped by to get our passport stamped.

Overall, we were glad to have attended the event. Not only were we able to sample dishes from a lot of caterers for free, Rye and I were also able to bond. I enjoyed listening to his comments. He, on the other hand, enjoyed watching me eat. Next food taste date would be at the Big Banquet 2, which is an even bigger event as it will be participated by the best and biggest caterers in the metro.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Food Taste Date # 2: Tasteful Tastings Year 2 (Part 1)

Just a day after our FTD1, Rye and I were already up for our next food taste date--an event hosted by BridalBook for the stylish bride and debutante. What's good about this event is that 10 caterers plus 2 cake suppliers will be featured. Supposedly, they will be bringing in their bestsellers. However, when we got there, we learned that Albergus and Bizu were not participating. But not to worry, there were still 8 caterers and a bite from each will surely be more than enough to fill our hungry tummies.

Our passport for food taste hopping
We arrived a few minutes before 11am and they were still setting up. Being early indeed has its perks as registration was a breeze (no queues yet!) and we had the liberty to choose where to dine first. What we forgot was to take photos of the table settings because I was too excited for the food. Rye managed to get a few shots to give you at least an idea of how the set ups were. Three hours later, and a heavy downpour of rain, we finally bid the event goodbye.

While I was able to visit all 8 participating caterers (yup, I'm such a glutton), I will just detail the first four we sampled. We were full by the time we got to the 5th stop that our tastebuds were no longer reliable. We just decided to share a plate to have a bite of what the other caterers had to showcase that day.

Fee: Free!
You just need to walk-in, even your companion can participate in the event. But the first 200 participants who pre-register online were given lootbags. Awww... No lootbag for me.

1st Stop: The Posh Caterer

Clockwise from top left: Fish Fillet, Grilled Chicken Teriyaki,
Roast Beef w/ Mushroom Sauce, Lasagna al Forno
Drinks served was fruit punch with apple slices but tasted of pomelo with a hint of apple juice. It was a bit too sweet for my liking. The color was a nice blush though. Appetizer was called crudites, which were sliced fresh veggies (cucumber, carrots, and turnip) in a bed of mayo. The presentation was cute but getting the veggies was a bit challenging due to the small opening of the shot glass. Dessert was just your usual mango crepe. Taste was nothing worth the extra calories.

Of the items on the plate, I only enjoyed the chicken and the lasagna. The fish (cream dory) didn't taste fresh at all. The beef, on the other hand, was tough. It was a task to slice a portion without a steak knife and chewing on it was another story. There was also nothing exceptional about its gravy. I would say it was a far cry from the roast beef we sampled from Purpledish the day before.

The Posh Caterer is actually a subsidiary of n.e. Catering. Their rates are higher due to the elegant themed wedding packages offered. Available themes are Modern Romance, Rustic, Vintage Chic, and Beach but these are upgradable depending on the couple's preference.

Their rates start at P145,000 and are for the first 100 pax only. This includes basic styling, tiffany chairs, a 3-layered fondant cake, a bottle of wine, table numbers and menu cards, a pair of doves, program emcee, a photo booth for 2 hours, and basic sounds and lights. The highest package is at P206,000. Rates vary depending on the menu selection. You also need to add 12% EVAT, 10% service fee, and delivery charges for venues outside Metro Manila. For December affairs, prepare 20% service fee instead of just 10%.

Based on this, a couple getting married within Metro Manila will have to pay at least P176,000 for food, venue styling, and a few freebies thrown in. That is P1,760 per head! And that is their cheapest, most basic package. I won't go over their other terms and conditions that basically just adds up to your bill.

Rye's Thoughts
No way are we spending this amount for food that he didn't really enjoy. He didn't care about the freebies as we could get most of these at cheaper prices. Plus, we will definitely have to pay more as we are considering out-of-town venues.

My Thoughts
If we were willing to spend this much per head, we'd rather get Purpledish. Who knows who else we can afford given this budget. Food was nothing special, honestly. Their quotation says free assorted candy or dessert bar, but the most you get for the cheapest package is three kinds of dessert. There was also nothing impressive about the styling they showcased during the event.

Definitely off our list of potential caterers.

2nd Stop: The Old Bonifacio Catering

Clockwise from top left: Chicken wrapped in Bacon, Beef Kofta,
Baked Norwegian Salmon, Baby Back Ribs
Of all caterers, this one was Rye's favorite. Not mine, but I would have to agree that the dishes they served tasted better than most. The chicken seemed uniteresting until you take a bite. Good thing, Rye gave it a chance. It was simply made, maybe marinated then grilled but the taste was clean and had a distinct smoky flavor. I don't get what the bacon was for, though. It didn't contribute to the taste in any way. The beef kofta was okay, nothing I would rave about. What we loved really were the baked salmon and the ribs! The salmon didn't taste fishy at all but the meat was still moist. Love, love. We actually wanted to get second helpings. Their version is better than that of Purpledish. The ribs were tender and seasoned just the way Rye and I like, not too sweet, with the flavor of the meat still distinguishable.

They also served Penne in Tomato Garlic with Arugula (not in photos though). Rye had no interest in trying it and there was really nothing to miss. It was al dente pasta with a subtle taste of tomato and garlic. The arugula, I didn't find.

What we didn't like: Drinks served was your usual powdered iced tea. No desserts, too.

These packages are net, meaning the taxes and service charges are already factored in. However, this applies to Metro Manila venues only.
100 pax - P85,400
150 pax - P128,100

Rates already include standard venue set up, a 3-layered fondant cake, wine for toasting, table numbers and menu cards, and complimentary food tasting for two. And just in case you're wondering, they use tiffany chairs. No added costs, yey! They have higher packages if you wish to serve a greater variety of dishes in your reception but the most you'll pay is P164,700 for 150 pax.

Rye's Thoughts
He regrets getting just a small portion of the ribs and salmon. He definitely wants to try dining in their resto, which is in Mandaluyong. But as our caterer, he simply shrugged his shoulders.

My Thoughts
At P854 per head, this is one of the more affordable caterers from among the participants. Honestly though, that is still too much for food and venue styling alone. I had no problems with the food but I didn't have that "this is it" feeling just yet. Let's see how a date with Rye in their resto will turn out.

For future consideration

3rd Stop: Josiah's Catering
Among the participants, this is the CATERER. Probably, almost everyone knows Josiah's Catering. And due to its brand, expectations were really high, at least from my end. So, here's what's on my plate:

Clockwise from top: Penne with Sundried Tomato Pesto, Slow Roasted US Beef,
Sugar-glazed Pork Shoulder, Stuffed Chicken, Pan-seared Cobbler w/ Mango Butter Sauce 
Presentation was unarguably from a high-end provider and you can tell the wait staff is really trained. As for the food, it was the chicken that stood out. It was stuffed with sundried tomatoes and cream cheese. The meat was tender and still juicy and the taste of sundried tomatoes went well with the cream cheese. Even without the sauce, the dish will still be a hit. The pasta was al dente but I totally forgot how it tasted. The fish would not have survived without the sauce, which in this case was mango butter. I was surprised to know that this two blends well. Might try making my own version of mango butter sauce at home. The pork was too sweet for a main course. Nakakaumay. I  could have enjoyed this more if we were served rice to balance the flavor. The roast beef in its au jus was tender. It was good that the portion I got was more meaty than fatty. Rye tried it with what seemed like mushroom gravy but found au jus more enjoyable.

What excited me about our stop at Josiah's were their sweet offerings! The array of desserts was a visual feast. I love displays like this. Makes eating dessert more fun! Soon, it was time to taste them and I must say Josiah's didn't disappoint. My tastebuds were having such a blast. Each had a distinct flavor of its own even when I ate them bite after bite. I also got to try their Peanut Butter Mousse (not in photo). Full of peanut butter goodness albeit too sweet for my liking. Serving was small which I think is just appropriate for a dessert that rich. Too bad though, their packages only allows you to choose two kinds. Well, you can always pay more for an extra dose of these sweet things.

Clockwise from top left: Peach & Mango Panna Cotta, Red Velvet Cake,
White Chocolate Cake, Mango Shortcake
Their Luxe Wedding Package for a minimum of 150 pax start at P165,000, all in. So, no more worries about service fees and taxes. For venues outside Metro Manila, fee is P15,000 and up. This package already covers basic styling, banquet essentials, candles and table numbers, bottle of wine, and even personalized note cards for guests' messages to the couple. For seating, they use Sorrento banquet chairs with cushion.

Freebies are also given depending on your number of guests but may range from cakes, emcee, or even a bridal car. Josiah's also offer a broad range of themes, samples of which are on their website.

Rye's Thoughts:
He prefers Old Bonifacio's food and that Josiah's dishes were too fancy for his taste. But if the rates are within our budget, he wouldn't mind getting Josiah's. After all, he did enjoy the desserts and the Stuffed Chicken.

My Thoughts:
Having already established a reputation in the industry, I don't doubt Josiah's could deliver. However, getting them will mean P180,000 (ncluding the out-of-town fee) off our budget or P1,200 per head. On a lighter note though, I was actually expecting higher rates and was surprised to learn they charge even lower than other (lesser known) caterers.

We like Josiah's but the budget pie says otherwise.

Pretty long post, huh? I wanted to include so much details in their packages to make this useful and informative but that will mean a much longer post. Besides, you can always drop these caterers a note and they immediately reply. Up next will be Ibarra's, Queensland, and Ilustrado.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Food Taste Date # 1: Purpledish Catering

Rye and I finally had our first try of food tasting and I must say we had fun! Sorry for the lengthy post and crappy photos (taken by Rye using his camera phone). I hope I do justice to our first food taste date.

Fee: P500 per couple
I was a bit hesistant when I learned we had to pay for the event. I thought all food tastings were free, silly me. But after being handed the menu for the afternoon, I thought the fee was actually very minimal. All in all, we were to taste 32 dishes! Whoa! I was already strategizing how to fit everything into my tummy.

Clockwise from Top: Veggie Roll, Asparagus in Bacon,
Spicy Salmon Bruschetta, Eggplant Parmigiana

Asian Chicken Salad

Mango Salsa Salad
Honestly, the salad were nothing too remarkable. They looked and tasted like your usual salad with just minor tweaking. The vinaigrette maybe? I couldn’t exactly tell. The greens were fresh though. We didn’t finish our portions. Better save some room stomach for the main course.


Mushroom Trio Soup

French Onion and Cheese Soup
I liked both soups. French onion cheese soup had a stronger flavor but not assaulting to the palate. It tasted of onions balanced by the cheese. I thought it was good, especially while hot. However, it was the mushroom trio soup that won our hearts (and tastebuds). 

We forgot to take photos of our pasta because we were chatting with our AE when these were served. Rye was served Beef Lasagna (tomato-based) while I had the Creamy Veggie Fusili (cream-based). We took forkfuls from each other’s plates though. We exchanged plates afterwards since I was more inclined to the bold flavor of the lasagna while Rye preferred the laid-back taste of the fusili.

Main Course
For the main course, we both had a serving each of honey-glazed pork and their famous 10-hour slow cooked roast beef. Mine came with chicken ragu and fish margherita while Rye had the pollo diavolo and baked salmon.

The chicken ragu tasted like chicken relleno topped with cream cheese. The fish margherita was actually cream dory which I’m not really a fan of. The sauce seemed like a combination of tomatoes and basil, with a few kernel corn thrown in for more color. Personally, I don’t like basil. The fish was coated appropriately and the fish meat was tender but the sauce was too much for my taste buds. I thought it tasted strongly of cumin.

Clockwise from top left: Honey-glazed BBQ Pork Spareribs,
Chicken Ragu, Fish Margherita, Roast Beef
Moving on to Rye’s plate, the teeny weeny slice of baked salmon came with a quarter slice of lemon. He loves salmon and it tasted fine to him. Originally, I was the salmon-lover but ever since I got pregnant, it just became too fishy for my liking. Hence, I only forked a bite and let Rye finish what’s left.

Clockwise from top left: Baked Salmon, Roast Beef,
Honey-glazed BBQ Pork Spareribs, Pollo Diavola, 

We were both served with the beef and pork but decided to eat just Rye’s portion and take mine home. (Yep, they do allow you to take home your leftovers. I’m glad they do. Sayang lahat yung tira kung itatapon lang.) The honey-glazed pork was tender, flavorful, and comforting. It paired well with the rice. I would say pasok sa panlasa ng Pinoy. A bit sweet, salty, and saucy.

The basil rice was just steamed white rice topped with chopped basil. We were feeling full by this time but the rice offered a refreshing break to our taste buds. We managed to eat half a cup.   

And now, the beef! Rye and I were both looking forward to this dish and we were careful not to overeat because we wanted to enjoy this. The verdict? We were not disappointed. Our sighs were both of relief and utter satisfaction. It came with two kinds of sauce: caldereta sauvignoun and mushroom wine, but we forked a bit of the meat without any sauce first to savor its taste. And that first bite was simply heaven. Melts in your mouth, savory without being overbearing. Then, we tried it with sauce. The mushroom sauce was yummy. It tasted earthy and just complimentary to the beef unlike the caldereta sauce which we felt masked and overpowered the taste of the meat. For us though, the beef tasted perfect even without any sauce. I don’t think I would have minded even if it were the only item served as main course for the food tasting. It was that good.

Just when we thought we couldn’t eat a bite more came the desserts. Can I spell that with a lot of ‘s’ in the end? Because really, what we were served were platefuls of sweet endings. 15 to be exact! And the serving slices were more than enough to please any dessert-lover like me. But even when I’m such a cake-eater, I had to raise the flag and surrender. Best take the goodies home. 

Devil's Food cake, Pistachio Sansrival, Dark Forest 

Blueberry Cheesecake, Toffee Coffee Cheesecake, Strawberry Mousse Cheesecake,
Super Moist Choco Cake, Belgian Choco Cheesecake

Day & Night Eclair, Belgian Creme Brulee, Caramel Custard Creme Puff,
Fruit Tart, Mango Creme Brulee, Belgian Truffle, Brownies (not in photo)
Since there were a lot of these sweet things, I will just tell you what we liked best: super moist chocolate cake. We were told it was a new creation of Chef Velmor, the owner, and it has no official name yet. So, it might already be called differently by the time you do your own food tasting. It’s super moist, not too sweet, not bitter, just comforting chocolatey goodness. The other items failed in comparison. Rye enjoyed the blueberry cheesecake though and the fruit tart which I didn’t get to sample. The rest were just okay I guess. Nothing too unforgettable. 

Also to be noted is that their house-blend iced tea didn’t taste like the usual powdered iced tea served by other caterers. During the reception, drinks will be free-flowing. Plus, they serve 50 cups of brewed coffee and 20 cups of tea. Additional charges apply if you want to serve more.

I guess that’s enough for the food. I know I already wrote too much. For the packages, here’s what was on the quotation:

50 pax - P69,000
100 pax - P109,000
150 pax - P149,000
200 pax - P189,000
250 pax - P229,000
300 pax - P269,000
Plus 10% Service Charge and out-of-town fees, if applicable

These rates include standard amenities, basic event styling by their partner Stylento, and 10 free buffet meals for suppliers. And yes, they use tiffany chairs. No additional fees for that. They customize and offer discounts and freebies depending on your needs, mode of payment, and, of course, negotiation skills. I tried asking if there were any way to lower the rates since we wouldn’t be needing tables and chairs. The venue comes with furniture so I was hoping we could get discounts or savings from this. Sadly, the rates remain the same. They will just offer you other items, service, or upgrades to compensate for the things you don’t need or want in their packages.

For a complete quotation, best to visit their site here. I heard they will be adjusting prices this October so a price increase may just be around the corner, unless you book or reserve now to lock-in their current rates. 

Rye's Thoughts
For our 150 guests and factoring in the service charge and out-of-town fees, we would have to pay around P1,200 per head or a whopping P180,000. That’s just for food and styling. And to Rye, it just wasn’t logical.

My Thoughts
I’m the kuripot one here, so if Rye thought it was too pricey, I’m sure you can already guess what my thoughts are. Seriously, I’m glad we pushed through with the food tasting. It was a different experience for Rye and I and we felt bonded discovering what Purpledish had to offer and discussing what we liked and didn’t. And we love our take home goodies!

Overall, we enjoyed the food and we like the idea of our VIP guests being really attended to. However, getting Purpledish will take up more than 75% of our budget. That just doesn’t sit well with us. I guess what hooks most bride is the inclusion of a dessert buffet in their package which consists of 1 fruit, 4 cakes and 3 pastries of your choice. But even when I’m such a big fan of cakes and pastries, the dessert buffet isn’t enough to make me overlook our budget.

Basically due to the rates, it's a no for us.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Slicing the Wedding Pie

How do we slice the pie? I was clueless but thanks to the numerous wedding blogs, I got an idea of how the whole thing is divided. Some even provide excel spreadsheets for a detailed breakdown of your expenses up to the schedule of payment for suppliers. Most templates are free and are downloadable. For Rye and I though, I decided to use a simple template with four columns for the items, estimated cost, actual cost, and the percentage of each item relative to the whole budget.

Back to the budget pie. Often, the major slice goes to the reception, which often includes the venue, décor or styling, food, and drinks. Most wedding planners estimate this to take up 30% or even more of the whole budget depending on the theme you prefer and food you want to serve. As the styling gets elaborate and the meals get complicated, the price balloons as well. Then, you also have to pay for the church fees, documentary fees, attire, invitations, wedding favors, hair & make-up, photography and/or videography. Phew! The list could actually be longer. Bad news is I’m not much of an organizer. Just thinking about all these makes me dizzy. How can weddings be complicated? The good news is, I don’t care too much about most of these stuff. Rye doesn’t either. We prefer a laid-back but fun wedding, nothing too fancy or whimsical. We just want a celebration that is most reflective of our love story and our personalities.

For our wedding, we just want the following:
·         Family and close friends
·         Heartfelt exchange of vows
·         Great food, yum yum
·         Fun, fun, fun
·         Good weather
·         Moments and memories captured beautifully

Simple list, right? But the tricky part comes in converting these things into their peso equivalent. Here's an initial breakdown of our pie:

In case you are wondering why our pie is divided as such, below is a semi-detailed explanation.

·       Solemnizing Officer
Since we won’t be getting married in a church, mayor’s office, or judge’s sala, we will need an officiating or solemnizing officer. Rates start at P5,000. I allotted P7,000 just in case rates have increased.

·        Food
This includes cocktails and the dinner, priced at P550/head. So for 150 guests, this would cost us P82,500. Caterers even charge service fee and VAT plus out-of-town rates. We have to get a caterer who will be willing to give us good discounts or waive these additional fees.

Originally, what we had in mind was just a simple dinner which I'll be sharing in a separate post soon. However, due to some considerations, I had to agree that Rye had a point. Hence, the bloating of the food expenses. If we can bring this down though without compromising quality, this kuripot bride will be very happy.

·        Venue
For this, we have allotted P35,000. We want the ceremony and the reception to be in a single venue for convenience and to save time as well. We have started scouting for venues and fortunately we already have a place in mind. It is cheaper than most popular wedding venues here in the metro. I’ll be sharing the venues we’ve visited soon.

·        Bride & Groom Attire and Rings
We will not be shouldering the gowns of our entourage. What we have included in our budget are just the groom’s outfit, my gown, and our wedding rings. Our budget for this is just P30,000. So, no bonggang gown for me, which is really fine since I won’t feel comfortable to be buried in tons of lace. Plus a fancy gown does not suit the theme we have in mind.

We don’t have rings yet, so please do comment if you know of a place where Rye and I can get rings for P20,000 or less. I would really, really appreciate your suggestions. Thanks in advance.

·        Photo & Video
This one is proving to be difficult as we want good photos but at pocket-friendly rates. Personally, I need a good photographer since I’m not photogenic. Plus, Rye puts a premium in candid shots. The pictures need to tell stories and are not merely faces smiling at the camera. He wants emotions, depth, moments. I like those, too. Sadly, most of the photographers we like cost way beyond our budget of P20,000. Most of them charge out-of-town fees also. Hopefully, we will find the perfect match for us.

·        Transportation & Hotel Preps
My family resides in QC. If the venue is out-of-town, we need transportation. We don’t own any vehicle and so I would have to rent one for us. By the way, I won’t be needing a bridal car, so that’s another item off the list. Based on initial quotations I got, rates start at P5,000 for 10 hours of use, with driver already. However, fuel, toll fees, overtime pay, and driver’s meals are on us. That might cost us around P8,000.

Also, we need to book a room or two near the venue for the hair & make-up since the venue doesn’t offer accommodations. P5,000 should be the most we will be spending for this.

·         Wedding Favors
Our budget for this is just P10,000. We haven’t really figured out what to give but to bring this down further, we might be doing DIY projects. We also want to give our ninongs and ninangs special gifts.

·         Invitations, Flowers, Decors
For all these things, the budget is just P10,000. We won’t be printing a lot of invitations. We’re considering emailing friends and relatives. Less paper, less courier service, less gastos.

As for the flowers and decors, they will be minimal as well. I’m not a flower person. But I do understand some flowers will be needed to brighten up the venue.

·        OTD Coordinator
I don’t know how much hiring a wedding planner costs. My friends won’t tell me how much they spent for getting one. Good thing I do have a friend who does weddings and I have already sought her help. For on the day coordination, I am hoping she won’t charge me more than P5,000.

·        Hair & Make-up Artist
I don’t normally wear make-up, not even face powder. Plus, I have curly hair. So, this one is a must for me. I need all the help I can get to look radiant on my wedding day. Sayang ang galing ng photographer kung hindi ako pretty, di ba? I am not vain, please don’t get me wrong. But if I’ll be looking at (and paying for) photos and videos of the wedding day, I’d surely want to look good.

There are more affordable packages for this one but my heart is set on getting the services of a friend. He’s into high-definition airbrush make-up and has won a lot of competitions already. He’s starting to make a name for himself in the industry and has offered me an irresistible deal. While we haven’t finalized the contract price yet, I have estimated the cost to be at P15,000, that’s my hair and make-up plus those of my mom, my two sisters, Rye’s mom, and Rye’s sister. He’ll also be grooming Rye. For seven heads, P15,000 is not bad at all.

Note that there are items normally spent for in a wedding but are not included in our list like the church, cake, wine, or a bridal car. I'll write a separate post for that. As of now, we still have a free portion of P17,500 from our total budget. At least we still have room for minor adjustments in prices.  

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Setting our Wedding Budget

I realized you can’t just randomly draw an amount. You need to be realistic, or at least guided, in setting the budget. Different couples have different ways of coming up with their respective budgets. As for Rye and I, we were guided by the following points:
-          How much savings do we have as of the moment?
-          What portion of it are we willing to spend for the wedding?
-          How much can we still save up before the wedding?

When this has been settled, we moved on to discussing what type of wedding we can have given the budget we decided on. 

We did the initial computations, and to my dismay, the penciled amounts went beyond our budget, by a little over P50,000. Just as Rye predicted. So, he suggested we adjust it to accommodate most of the things we wanted in our wedding. But my kuripot monster was sulking with the idea. Why set a budget if you won’t stick to it anyway? I treat budgets with respect. They are meant as a guide. They are like finish lines in a race. And finish lines don’t get adjusted just because the runners can no longer make another step. They don’t get extended either, even when runners can still go another mile. Okay, I’m sure you get the point, I’ll drop the analogy.

Rye pouted at my arguments. He was willing to shoulder the excess amount. After all, we have been saving for the past four years of our relationship and we can actually afford a bigger wedding. But that’s just not the case in point. Fortunately, I was able to convince Rye that with a little more research and with time on our side, we can still crunch the numbers.

The wedding won’t be earlier than November 2015. That’s more than a year from now. Longer preparation time means less strain on the budget and less stress on my part. Plus, a little luck won’t hurt. 

So, how much are we allotting for the wedding? It's P250,000 tops! Not a peso more. I'll be happier if we can even spend just around P200,000.  

Originally, I insisted on just P200,000 but considering that we want to serve our guests a sumptuous meal and it will be an out-of-town wedding, I had to agree on stretching the budget. 

I have stumbled across blogs where the couples spent amounts lower than our budget and I admire them for pulling it all off. Below is a link of some of these blogs. You might want to check out how they did it.
When I read these posts, I really felt envious. At the same time, I felt even more determined to accomplish this challenge. Yun nga lang, nangangamoy DIY, matinding DIY. So, I'll be needing a lot of luck, help, and time.

For my next post, I'll be sharing how we sliced our budget pie and what our priorities are.

Food Tasting Adventures

Our search for our wedding caterer has officially begun. Yey!

For weeks now, I have been searching the internet and there are just a lot (as in a lot) of caterers to choose from. I haven't seriously considered making our list due to the overwhelming choices. However, when budget is a major concern, the options suddenly become less. But if there is one thing Rye and I are willing to spend on, it is food, because I loooove food, good food. Who doesn't? Our guests will be no different. So, a good caterer is a must, at reasonable rates, of course.

I do like Passion Cooks and Purpledish and I've read a lot of good reviews about them. However, rates for PC begin at P850 per head while PD starts at P1,000 per head. Steep... Aside from the superb food and great service, both already includes basic styling of the venue and there are a lot of freebies, which means savings for the couple. Still, the contract price will be way over our budget. Sad... Despite that, I still plan to meet with them. Who knows what promos we can avail of, right?

And since the search has begun, I have booked Rye and I for a series of food tasting. For just this month, we are already registered in four food tasting events!

Here's a rundown of our sked:
October 4 - Purpledish Group Tasting happening at Black Kitchen @ 4pm, P500 fee per couple plus an additional P500 per head if you bring others with you. You get free food tasting for two once you've booked them.

October 5 - Tasteful Tasting Year 2 happening at the Elements in Centris @ 11am - 3pm. This event is free but on a first come, first serve basis. You can even bring a companion, no fee as well. There will be a number of caterers and wedding cake artists so this is such a great opportunity to shop for our potential caterer. I intend to come early to maximize the event.

October 12 - Big Banquet 2 happening at the Blue Leaf Paranaque @ 11am. Fee is P800/couple or P500 if you go alone. This is also a major food tasting event as 9 caterers will be featured. The first Big Banquet was held last May and was a huge hit. I believe the P800 fee will be all worth it.

October 18 - Shekinah Food Tasting happening at the Fernwoods Garden @ 11am. Our AE Hazel invited me and Rye for free. I am looking forward to this one since I like their portfolio. There aren't a lot of reviews about them but they look promising so I asked them for an initial quotation. The rates are above our budget but we can always try negotiating if ever we like their food and set up.

So, there! Four events in just 3 weekends. Food tasting galore! Sorry, I'm just excited! Plus, I really want to slash this major item off our checklist. Besides, booking early may allow us to lock in 2014 rates. I am feeling giddy right now just thinking about all the yummy delights we will enjoy. I'll surely keep you posted.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wedding Price Tags

Weddings have now become highly commercialized. The industry is booming and we can just expect prices to keep going up as well.

Last Sunday, Jessica Soho ran a short feature on Philippine weddings. Depending on the type of wedding you want and the suppliers you get, this one-day affair could set you back around P200,000 to P1M, or even more!

Honestly, my kuripot mind kept shouting P200,000 is not cheap! It’s a 6-figure amount that a couple will spend for a single day of merriment. True, it symbolizes the start of your new life together. It should be memorable, touching, inspiring, beautiful. Agree. But surely, there is a more affordable way to do things, right? After all, we are talking of the “start” of a life together, meaning there will be days after the wedding. And these days called “married life” will definitely need funding.

Nothing seems wrong about having one’s dream wedding but the bills that come posthaste should not turn that dream into a nightmare. A wedding is a day, marriage is a lifetime. And the bills? Well, who knows until when they’ll stay.

Kuripot Bride's Dilemma

I want a beautiful wedding but I am not willing to bet my lifetime savings on it. 

So what’s a kuripot bride got to do?

A DIY wedding! Well, at least mostly, for my part. I am not creative and I have zero experience in events planning. But hey, I have wonderful friends with great hands and talents. I guess it won’t hurt to bank on their help (fingers crossed).

Now, I understand there are wedding planners who can customize your wedding according to your budget. And I bet they can really do a good job. But then, getting their services will be another slice in our budget pie. And when the pie is really small, every slice counts.

No wedding planner means having to do most of the job, (read: leg work, haggling, and all that jazz) myself. And with a baby in tow, that would not be an easy task. While I can imagine things to get really, really crazy, I am up to the challenge. In fact, I am excited! I am challenging myself to make the wedding still beautiful and memorable without going over our budget.

If there’s anything that consoles me, it is the fact that I am a financial planner. Knowing I have handled money matters worse than a tight wedding budget makes me believe this feat can be done. I strongly believe in spending responsibly. In my vocabulary, shelling out thousands of pesos for a single day of celebration is not merely ‘spending’. It is splurging. And in my book, it is not responsible and it is a sin!

Looking back, I now think that this is the major reason why I kept putting off getting married. While Rye proposed to me last October 2013 (almost a year ago!), it is only recently that I seriously started the wedding preps. Deep down, I knew that nobody will be paying for our wedding, and I don’t have the heart to burden our parents or rely on our sponsors. So, I had to bend and accept that somehow Rye and I will have to let go of a serious amount of money.

With that settled, the question now became: how much are we spending?

The mission begins...

Let me begin with a confession: I’ve lost track of the number of times I attempted to blog. Maybe it was because of the lack of time to write, or the lack of interesting things to share, or we could just say I am a strong starter but a lousy finisher.

What is my excuse, then, for attempting to launch yet another blog? Well, this time, I found something worth writing about as this blog will be about my very own wedding! Yey!

Wait! Another wedding blog?! Yep, you read it right. This will be just another wedding blog, with a list of suppliers, venues, motifs, themes, gowns, tips and trends, and every minute detail that often awakens the bridezilla within every bride-to-be. And this blog does not aim to be any different from all the other blogs already out there. I am no wedding expert, nor am I a wedding coordinator so I couldn’t be really of much help to those who will chance upon this blog. But, who knows, some posts here may somehow prove useful to a bride or two.

So, what is this blog for? Posting here will be more for my benefit, particularly for my peace of mind. I am challenging myself to not become a bridezilla amidst all the frenzied preparations and looming bills (sigh). Things will soon get crazy and this online diary may just help me put things into perspective.

P.S. This time, I hope intend to finish this blog! (Fingers crossed.)